Josh Hunter

Thanks for taking the time to visit my site, I'm currently working on some content to put here although this site is mostly to get acquainted with and navigate around the web-creating field. I am trying to do everything on my own (hence the lack of fancy user experience) with as many principles learned from my web design course. I don't think I'll be needing cloud services to maintain the limited traffic of this site, so I'll eventually keep my own computer running to host my files but for now Github Pages is running as a quick fix. At the same time, I'm trying to get a deep understanding of various Node.js modules and testing locally, but I don't want to deploy a half-working iteration. I'll eventually implement the fancy UX but for now I am being thorough with my web practices on the low-level stuff (e.g. not bombarding you with 50 different CSS files and large images, limiting redirects, etc.) so that I can maintain a decent running, scalable, and secure website. So if you're asking yourself why this website has a favicon (the tab icon) or why someone would need to encrypt this text, it's me refining details. Thanks again for stopping by and contact me if you have any suggestions.

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